Monday, October 31, 2016

Company of Wolves (1985)

Arty, post-modern fairy tale The Company of Wolves makes for a poor drive-in double feature.

"The Company of Wolves" plays with "Ghoulies" at the Can-View Drive-In April 1985

Friday, October 21, 2016

Halloween 5 The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)

Red Coat Black Coat takes a look at Halloween 5, disappointed that the film fails to follow up on the intriguing story-lines suggested by the end of Part 4. Despite Danielle Harris' Herculean performance, and intense scenes of horror, the film is ultimately buried by inept writing, embarrassing "humour", and genuinely annoying characters.

Other videos of interest:

Don Shanks (Michael Myers) TV appearance:

Danielle Harris promoting Halloween 5:

Halloween 5 special effect test footage

Halloween 4 novelization:

Friday, October 14, 2016

Halloween 4 The Return of Michael Myers (1988)

Red Coat and Black Coat watch favoured 1980's classic Halloween 4 The Return of Michael Myers. Much excitement swirls around the surprise ending, unaware of the disappointment to come the following year.

Other videos of interest:

Making of Halloween 4:

Halloween 4 trailer:

Siskel and Ebert discuss the original Halloween: